50 Lovely Key Tattoos for Girls


The best thing about tattooing is that the motif/s you choose will be present lifelong. The idea of a key tattoo sounds nice and most importantly, it gives you the feel of being liberated from shackles that seem to envelop you. For those unaware of the relevance of this design, its popularity dates back to the Victorian Era. No need to shirk just at the mention of such an old age, but tattoo artists blend modern elements to this design just to suit the purpose and individual requirements.

Key Tattoos for Girls (1)

While there’s certainly no stopping guys from availing these designs, girls however love the pattern more than their male counterparts. Here’s taking a look at few lovely key tattoos for girls. Be sure before getting a tattoo as removing a tattoo is more painful than getting a tattoo.  Now, let’s understand top frequent reasons why people choose to remove tattoo. 

Lovely Key Tattoos for Girls

We usually use key to open the locked doors and don’t forget that key shows us the hidden opportunities that are in our way. The idea of a key tattoo helps us to overcome from the dark phase of our life. It’s true that girls are very much impressed by key patterns than their male counterparts. The tattoo artists love to blend the lovely key tattoos for girls with different modern elements just to meet the requirements of their customers. Now, let’s have a look over some popular key designs and understand why girls choose these designs.

Lovely Key Tattoos for Girls (1)

Lovely Key Tattoos for Girls (2)

Lovely Key Tattoos for Girls (3)

Lovely Key Tattoos for Girls (5)

Such as – the Single key, lovely key tattoos for girls looks so mysterious in the shape of a skeleton with number 13 embossed on it. The number 13 holds great significance to the girl who is getting tattooed. The other popular lovely key tattoos for girls, wooden key design depicts that the opportunities options are endless for the person who does hard work and finds the key. Girls also love the idea of having a key tattoo with their favorite line or quote.

Key Tattoos for Girls (9)

Key Tattoos for Girls (4)

Key Tattoos for Girls (3)

Key Tattoos for Girls (4)

Key Tattoos for Girls (5)

No. 13

Key Tattoos for Girls (1)

Key Tattoos for Girls (2)

Looks quite mysterious, this single key is shaped like a skeleton with the number 13 embossed on it. Either the skeleton or most importantly, the number holds more significance to the one getting tattooed. There could be something else lurking behind getting this, but overall the unknown factor is a pull for many.

Fairytale tattoo

Key Tattoos for Girls (1)

This one looks like a story is at the back of this design. It’s a single key and most tattoo artists are particularly wary of ensuring that the design is glossy, as if it floats on the skin.

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