10 Useful Tips to Photograph Beautiful Star Trails


Photography is a fabulous tool to learn more about the world around you. The world which is mostly invisible to our eyes can be well explored with the help of photography tools, provided you use them wisely. Night landscapes are the most complicated nature landscapes which can often depict various undisclosed treasures of the sky. The most discussed upon process being capturing the movement of the stars at the night. Though, this isn’t as difficult as it was once, now star trails can be easily captured by any camera and a wired shutter release cable.

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Well, there is a reason behind it. Star trails are created because of rotation of Earth during a long exposure photo. The stars which seem almost fixed in the sky show trails with the rotation of our lovely planet, Earth. Now, we will be discussing 10 Useful Tips to Photograph Beautiful Star Trails, so that you can easily take those heart-warming snap-shots without facing any issues. Read on to know about 5 essential qualities of a Professional Photographer and get acquainted with these using all possible means for acquiring these attributes on the earliest basis

Tips to Photograph Beautiful Star Trails

Focal Length:

Tips to Photograph Beautiful Star Trails (1)

This is actually very simple to understand. The longer the focal length, the longer the star trails. If you are using wide-angle lens then require long exposures in terms of minutes in order to get the trails noticed. Whereas, with the help of a telephoto lens, trails are seen very easily in few seconds only but the composition gets extremely difficult.

Celestial pole:

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Take the help of a compass and find the celestial pole. For this you need to know your latitude and then head towards north if you live in northern hemisphere or towards south if you live in southern hemisphere.

Area of the Sky:

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This is also in fact quite that the length of the trails would depend upon the area of the sky which you are planning to cover under your photographing. If you are closer to the celestial pole, then you will see shorter trails as the stars move in a complete circle that too around a fixed point of the sky every 24 hours. So, the closer you are to the celestial pole, stars travel less distance.

Exposure time:

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This can be difficult for star trails. It is recommended that you should search for a good exposure for the foreground with high ISO such as 6400 and once you get that then just complete the equivalent exposure for a lower ISO as well. This way you will get beautiful long trails. If you have an experimental mind, making your camera speak is easy. Find some incredible meteor shower photography ideas and modify the way you would like to.

Many photos are better than single photo:

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Star trail photos can be captured in two ways. One is taking a single photo with long exposure while the other way is to take various shorter exposures which are combined together. The second method is safer.

Composition matters:

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One of the most important tips out of 10 Useful Tips to Photograph Beautiful Star Trailsis to get a good composition. Trails arenice on their own but in order to make it more interesting; you need a foreground object and a landscape.

Stable and shielded tripod:

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The equipment definitely matters. You need a solid and strong tripod because if your equipment moves then everything will get messed up and you will remain doomed. Also, you need a full charged battery as well. No matter you click the pictures from an advanced DSLR or a simple camera, but if you see yourself as a professional then there are basic tips that a photographer must follow.

In-camera noise reduction:

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If you are planning to take various photos then make sure you possess in-camera noise reduction off to get rid of any chances of getting gaps in your beautiful and long trails. Off course, you need good batteries for this too.

Say no to gaps:

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If you are capturing various exposures then in order to minimize gaps in your trails, you should always try to use the shortest possible interval between photos. Make sure your trails just don’t look like dashed lines.

Post-process editing:

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Out of all the 10 Useful Tips to Photograph Beautiful Star Trails, this is quite crucial to fetch best results. You need adjust contrast and saturation level. Remove noise in the picture which is extremely important andthen sharpen the imageaccording to your taste.

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Make sure you take note of all these tips and practice all of them effectively whenever you go for photographing star trails.

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