Aren’t, there are many websites were people belonging to different field can post art, digital art, landscape, fan art….anything that is basically art. Friends! Isn’t it, your dream of becoming a famous artist may not be as far-fetched as it might seem. However, updating your art style on various websites is a fun and rewarding way to get your art noticed.
No matter, whether you’re a hobbyist sculptor, a full-time artist or a part-tie photographer, if you’re really proud of what you’ve created, we bet you would prefer as many people to see it as soon as possible, right? It’s a dream of most of the artists to improve and become really good at art. Well, that’s true – we can’t be all born with mad talent, but there are certain basic tips to become a fan art artist on a speedy note. Here we present marvelous villain redesigns fan art examples.
Basic Tips To Become A Fan Art Artist
So, put these actions into practice from today, which will definitely help in increasing your artwork’s exposure!!
Work on the Things you Love!
Choose one subject that is attractive, meaningful and you will be able to draw well!
- You can start with a still life or a photo that’s yours. Draw the same photo using different approaches – paint, pencil, abstract and realism.
Get Critiqued by Friends!
Ask for a true opinion from your friends, not just a biased! If they think it’s correct, then simply agree with them and take it that you’re on the right track. If several people say that your subject matter lacks creativity, that’s an opportunity for you to learn something new.
Develop a Strong Personal Style!
Learn to paint or draw your favorite subjects in all the ways that famous painter has usually done. Art lovers, the more you learn technique and understand your own passions, the more your own personal style will evolve. Here is a list of some great doodle art tutorials. Have a look just before you try making one.
Publish your work!
Well! We all know that the best way to become famous is to get known! Blogging daily about your work is categorized among most basic tips to become a fan art artist. In today’s time, internet offers many avenues to be seen and promote artistic works! Create a facebook account for your art and encourage people to visit and comment on your page.
Be Prolific!
Try to make your work available in as many formats as possible for viewers. Make a portfolio of up to a dozen of your best works and all of them must have something common in them.
Keep your Instagram Interesting!
Make sure to post only relevant photos that reflect your overall image as an artist! Instagram is an awesome way to show your fans and followers that your art is in progress. Instagram is not only about your art, but presents a clear picture of your brand and daily life.
Paint What You Care About!
If you don’t care about certain aspects of your favorite art, it will show in your work. As your style grows and changes, older paintings you’ve completed become more valuable to you. So, friends whatever your passion is, find ways to capture that passion on the canvas.
Use Reference Pictures!
Yeah…when it comes to learning how to draw? Realistic pictures are best as a reference! This ranks among top basic tips to become a fan art artist. You can ask your friends to pose for you. Check out the Important tips for a person who choose to become a concept artist are here!
Don’t start with Expensive Equipment!
For a good start, all you need is a pencil and a cheap printing paper! Investing in lot of expensive materials is not a right choice. Well! A good artist always uses limited equipment to make most out of it.
Enter Art Competitions!
Entering into online art competitions proves to be a great way of reaching other artists and increasing self image. Try to enter every week or at least every few weeks.
We hope you would surely love to try these basic tips to become a fan art artist as we tried hard to communicate something unique to you. Friends! You can easily create beautiful art examples utilizing these ideas and moreover, these tips serve as a superb medium which helps you to build creative skills.