10 Secret Tips Before Getting a Tattoo You Won’t Regret


Getting a meaningful tattoo inked is an amazing thing to do in this world. Friends! Isn’t it, great to know that your memories can stay with you forever in the form of tattoos inscribed on your body no matter how badly your brain disintegrates? Yeah, tattooing is a painful process, so make sure you’re mentally and physically prepared for it when you go to get one. After all, you want a tattoo you love, not one you regret!

Tattoo lovers! I have got 3 tattoos, so I consider myself enough as an expert to educate you on the process of getting tattooed as a permanent mark on your skin. Here is Everything you need to know before your first tattoo which will help you in expressing yourself in front of others (professional tattoo artists) and they’re just fun!  Well! Here we present our step-by-step guide to secret tips before getting a tattoo you won’t regret for the rest of your life!!

Secret Tips Before Getting a Tattoo You Won’t Regret

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Visit Instagram for Inspiration or to help you find the perfect Artist!

Yes, it’s a good idea! Nowadays, many professional tattoo artists use their Instagram account as portfolios to show their popular wok samples (the pieces they’re most proud of). If you find the designs of a particular artist interesting, call him and fix the appointment!

Prices are non-negotiable!

You really can’t bargain with the professional tattoo artist on the set price of your favorite design that he/she generally charges. It’s not going to work here at all, just like you bargain with the salesperson near your home.

Get a dermatologist test done beforehand if you’re allergic to certain cosmetic products!

The compounds found in the pigments of tattoo ink are sometimes the same that are found in a few make-up products! If you’ve any allergic reaction to a particular eye shadow in the past, consider getting a dermatologist test to see what kind of ink you should neglect.

Opt for Small Design!

If it’s your first tattoo, there’s no shame in starting with a small one! Give yourself a chance how to bear the extreme pain, how your skin takes ink, and how much time your body takes to get healed properly. If you’re interested in a more discreet or subtle aesthetic, a meaningful but cute minimalist tribal tattoo design might do the trick.

Make sure you’re Happy!

Giving yourself some time to assure that you’re happy with the design you selected ranks among top-secret tips before getting a tattoo you won’t regret! Marking your body with a tat for a lifetime is a big decision, of course!

Consider the right time to get your favorite tat inked!

Spring and early autumn are the most practical time among other reasons to get a tattoo successfully inked. Too much sun exposure and water submission can damage a new tattoo, so avoid getting a new tat in summer!

Don’t Stress!

Don’t be tensed! Panicking will only ruin your tattoo experience. Try to have a GOOD MEMORY OF YOUR FIRST TATTOO, simply take a deep breath, be prepared for a little pinch and scratch and it’s done, yeah!

Get Shaved!

Depending on the area you’re getting inked and how hairy you are, you may need to shave regularly till the final day comes. It’s among important secret tips before getting a tattoo you won’t regret!

Don’t be Afraid to Ask Questions!

It’s you who are getting inked, so you’ve all the right to get all the information. If you aren’t satisfied with a few things during the tattooing process, feel free to ask questions from the artist anytime!

Before a Tattoo Session, take good sleep, eat proper food, and avoid alcohol!

It’s exactly what your teachers say you to do before attempting an exam. To tolerate the pain of a tattoo, stay away from alcohol because it will make you bleed more during the process. Here are some Mysterious mandala tattoo designs that create mysterious imaginations in the mind of the wearer and they start thinking beyond their imagination.

Yeah, tattoos last forever or as long as your body lasts, so it’s quite important to choose the design wisely! If you’re planning to get inked, consider these secret tips before getting a tattoo you won’t regret in the future and do that before you head to the tattoo parlor. Friends! There are lots of IMPRESSIVE TATTOO DESIGNS in 2017, so you need to very careful before choosing one. Don’t forget to take into consideration the size and placement area for your tattoo.

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