25 DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples You Can Try At Home


Embroidered jeans were quite a rage a few years back. But they suddenly disappeared. Interestingly, they are back now; and they are back with a bang. With a range of embroidered jeans varieties doing rounds of the market, making one yours is absolutely a breeze. But a little embroidery work on a pair of routine jeans can make it pretty expensive.

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

If you don’t want to shell out cash on such an expensive pair of jeans that has had its price increased with a little embroidery work, the gong DIY would be the best bet. But is it possible to create embroidery patterns on jeans, at home? Here we present few things that separate women from girls. Check the list to know actual reasons! Why not! There are so many DIY Embroidery jeans examples you can try at home that you will be spoilt for a choice.

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples You Can Try At Home

Cute triangles

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

Talking about DIY Embroidery jeans examples you can try at home, you can’t leave out geometrical shapes. Yes, they are extremely easy to create and look amazing on denims. Out of all the shapes, triangles are the easiest and can make a pair of jeans look hundredfold better.

Flaunt a great phrase

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

Are you fond of some phrase that also reflects your personality? If yes, get it embroidered on your favourite pair of jeans. Make sure you take a phrase with a fewer words, so that people can read it at one glance when you pass by them.

Make it colourful with a rainbow

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

Although there are many DIY Embroidery jeans examples you can try at home, nothing can beat the charm of rainbows. Rainbows are extremely easy to create and they look amazing even when they are hand embroidered. If you are a fashion enthusiast who likes to dazzle like a diva, then your winter shopping should also hinge on the factor of style. Here are a few Cozy Winter Outfit Ideas For Women who like to look extra stylish.

Let it bloom!

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

One of the most amazing designs that attract attention is a floral one. Yes, you can embroider flowers on your jeans for that feminine feel. You can choose something as simple as a tulip or as intricate as a rose.

Bring on some foliage

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

If you thought only flowers are going to make your jeans look pretty, then you couldn’t be more wrong. You can make your jeans look extremely stylish with foliage embroidery as well. A few leaves of your favourite shape will do the trick.


DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

Zigzag patterns are not just easy to create, but they also make a pair of jeans wear that downtown charm. You can create this pattern on the back pockets for some added fun. Why let that happen when you can spread charm in your office wearing these amazing and charming Office Outfits to wear this Winter?

Let the stars shine!

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

If you love stars and you think creating star embroidery designs wouldn’t be that difficult, then waste no time and create them on your jeans. They look quite amazing and will add that Rockstar feel to your pants.

Love me more!

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

If you love your denims, and want to let people know that, then create hearts along its bottom edges. You can choose soft colours such as pink and white for an elegant feel.

Name it!

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

For a touch of personalisation, you can also embroider you name on your pants. Make sure it is along the edge of your pocket, so that people notice it easily.

Scare the world with a snake!

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

Snakes are easy to create with embroidery work. With colourful stripes embroidered all over its body, a snake will really add a funky look to your jeans.

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

DIY Embroidery Jeans Examples

Aren’t these some really amazing DIY Embroidery jeans examples you can try at home? Well, yes! These are not just amazing but also extremely easy to create. So, what makes you wait? Here are some of the most amazing and Cute Winter Outfit Ideas For Teens 2018. Turn your craft mode on and create some great embroidery work on your jeans to simply pep up its look.

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