It’s not a secret that the arrival of a baby is one of the most anticipated and memorable events for the parents-to-be. If it’s a December baby announcement, you can combine the magic, spirit and warmth of Christmas with the announcement of a baby and make this moment extra special. Baby announcement coupled with little Christmassy details can really elevate this good news to another level.
There is no lack of ideas and creativity for a December baby announcement. We understand the importance of this moment in your life, and we have compiled a list of 20 great ideas for a baby announcement in December.
1) Winter wonderland picnic:
Announce the arrival of your baby in a grand style. Organize a winter wonderland picnic for your friends and family. The warmth of the winter sun, lots of winter goodies and delicacies will surely make the event a memorable one. To be more creative the mom-to be can wear a winter jacket or an overcoat with the message on a poster. The message can read “We tried our best to hide it, but our Christmas gift is starting to show”. An ideal place for a December baby announcement.

2) Christmas onesie or a romper:
This is a sweet and clever idea. Customize a onesie or a romper with the message “Christmas arrived early for us”. Click a couple picture holding the onesie and share it with your friends and family. What better way to wish them greetings for the festive season.
3) A Christmas surprise gift:
Send a surprise gift to you near and dear ones for a December baby announcement. It need not be a fancy or an expensive gift. Take a small box place an elf with a message “Santa’s little elf will arrive soon for us”. Do not forget to mention the date. Likewise, you can choose any souvenir that is Christmassy. Christmas tinsel, wreath a small pair of Christmas socks, a little Santa and customize your message accordingly. You bet, your loved ones will be pleasantly surprised.

4) A personalized card:
If you are planning to surprise the Grandparents then you can pen down a personal note. An old but gold statement to put into the note is “you are going to be Grandpa/Grandma”.

5) A voice message:
You can record your own message announcing your pregnancy and invite your closest friends and family over. You can then play that message when they arrive. It will be extremely memorable for the family and you sit back and watch their reactions as they hear the news.
6) Write a song:
You and your partner can write a song where the lyrics convey the impending arrival. You can then take your friends and family to a Karaoke bar and sing the song for them. This is as personal as it gets. December is Christmas month and it is the time of the year when you meet your family. It would be an ideal way to announce your pregnancy.
7) Create a personalized calendar:
A great idea is to create a personalized calendar with customized messages marking out the delivery date and other important days of the pregnancy. Later, you can also include pictures of your family and capture their reactions while you break the news to them.
8) Social Media posts:
In today’s day and age the best way to reach a large audience is to post on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and twitter. Write a note announcing the arrival of the baby and post a cute picture and you are done. Everyone in your circle is now ready to receive the news.
9) Have Santa make the announcement:
Since it is December and Christmas is round the corner, why not dress up as Santa. And make the announcement with a “ho ho ho” thrown in there somewhere. You can also gather your family in a restaurant and ask the local Santa to make the announcement for you.

10) Include the news in your Christmas family newsletter:
If you are in the habit of writing and sending a Christmas family newsletter then why not include the news of your pregnancy in it. Your friends and family will have fun reading about it. It can also be a regular feature and you can include the baby’s growth updates in the subsequent newsletters.
11) Create a puzzle box:
Create a simple Christmas themed puzzle box which contains a note of your pregnancy. You can then give the box to your loved ones and challenge them to open it. Once they open it, they can then read the note inside. This one is tricky because if the puzzles are difficult they might not be able to open them at all. So choose the difficulty of the puzzle you are setting.
12) Christmas Carol announcement:
Pick your favorite Christmas carol and modify the lyrics to convey the news of pregnancy and play it for your family and friends. Silent night is one of the most popular and you can modify it and say “silent nights ain’t for us any more”. This will be a December baby announcement to remember. You can have your pick of the carols and go with something that is memorable and has a special place for your entire family.
13) Create a word puzzle:
This one is for the folks who enjoy their morning Crossword or a word jumble. Create your own Crossword or a word jumble which when solved spells out “we are having a baby”. This is especially fun because the entire family can get into the activity of solving the crossword or the jumble. You can watch them try to solve it whilst snuggled under a blanket and also get to witness their reactions when they finally solve.

14) Personalized Mugs:
Create your customized message and get it printed on a mug. You can then serve hot chocolate or hot cocoa on a cold December night to anyone you wish to share this news with. Printing on mugs to celebrate different occasions has become quite common. But using the mugs to announce your pregnancy is quite a unique way of doing it.

15) Photo Montage of the Sonogram:
You can make a great photo album with your Sonogram pictures and present it to your loved ones. It would make a great surprise and you can also cherish the memory for life. But, sonograms are extremely personal so this idea will be limited to sharing the news with only family and very close friends.

16) Put up a funny sign on your front yard:
If you live in a neighborhood where you know your neighbors very well and want to make the announcement for them you can put up a funny sign on your front yard. The sign can be something like “We are adding a set of ears to our family”, referencing Mickey Mouse. You can also add other decorative items along with the sign like a baby top or a shoe.
17) Disney themed announcements:
If your partner is an avid Disney fan and you want to announce your pregnancy to him, why not go with the latest that Disney has to offer. Tell him “Another Jedi arrives next year”. While you are at it why not add a baby Yoda soft toy holding your sonogram. This idea is more suited to someone who is a fan of Disney and who follows the series and its progress. You can also choose other cartoon characters and themes and make this idea work.
18) Personalized Christmas Jumper:
A Christmas Jumper is something everyone cherishes. Why not make the jumper extra special by customizing it to spell your December baby announcement. Everyone in the family can wear matching jumpers with appropriate writing. The writing can be “Dad to be” or “mom to be” or “big sister” or “big brother”.
19) Spell it out with stockings:
Hanging stockings is an integral part of Christmas celebrations. Why not knit the stockings and hang them in a way that they spell “baby on the way”. And when your family walks in, it can be a lovely surprise for them. The photo of the stockings will also make it extra memorable. You can put baby themed gifts inside the stockings too.
20) Make a special Christmas tree:
Christmas tree decorations are ubiquitous with the fun and frolic associated with the festivities of Christmas itself. You can make it fun and memorable by replacing the hanging decorations with pictures of the baby’s sonogram and baby toys and other baby accessories. You can also drape the lights around yourself and spell out the words with the light.
These are just some of the ideas you can use for your December baby announcement. December is a wonderful time of the year with the holidays around the corner. And it only gets even more special when you have a baby on the way. Making the announcement of your pregnancy is very personal. So choose carefully and most of all have fun while doing it.